Affiliated Faculty


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Martin Schultz's picture Martin Schultz
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science; Research Professor of Computer Science
51 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511-8937
Phone: 203-432-1202
Research Interests: High-performance computing, algorithm design, analysis and implementation. Parallel programming environments and parallel architectures, ranging from massively parallel processors to clusters of workstations and PCs as well as P2P solution on the internet.
Mitchell Smooke's picture Mitchell Smooke
Strathcona Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
15 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511-6816
Phone: 203-432-4344
Research Interests: Computational combustion, chemical vapor deposition, numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, large-scale scientific computation.
Daniel Spielman's picture Daniel Spielman
Sterling Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Statistics & Data Science and of Mathematics
17 Hillouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: 203-436-1264
Research Interests: Analysis of algorithms and heuristics, error-correcting codes, combinatorial scientific computing, spectral graph theory, and combinatorics.